Steps to enable Webhook ( During Import )

Follow these steps to enable auto-build and use the webhook

Getting the API URL

  1. Enabling Auto-build while importing the model
    1. Go to Inferless Console and select your workspace
    2. Click on “Add Model” and follow the steps
    3. In the “Add Information”, the automatic new build button is visible and in the Review Page you will find the Webhook URL.

Enabling Auto-build after deploying the model

  1. Go to Inferless Console and select your workspace

  2. Select My Models and go to your model

  3. In the model page, go to the “versions” tab, webhook url is visible upon checking the “Setup automatic build” box

The Secret key

A Secret Key needs to be sent in the headers to authorize the webhook api call.

Copy and use this secret key


Integrate in you CI/CD

This webhook url can be used in the CI/CD of your choice.

Curl Request to trigger a build using webhook url

curl --location --request POST '{WEBHOOK_URL}>' \\
--header 'X-Webhook-Secret: '

Python Requests Snippet to use webhook url

import requests

url = "{WEBHOOK_URL}"

payload = {}
headers = {
  'X-Webhook-Secret': 'SECRET_KEY'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


** Replace WEBHOOK_URL & SECRET_KEY with the values mentioned earlier