Dynamic Batching
Dynamic batching is a feature of Inferless that allows inference requests to be combined by the server so that a batch is created dynamically. Creating a batch of requests typically results in increased throughput. The dynamic batcher should be used for the stateless model.
Dynamic batching is enabled and configured independently for each model using the BATCH_SIZE property in the model configuration. These settings control the preferred batch size(s) of the dynamically created batches, the maximum time that requests can be delayed in the scheduler to allow other requests to join the dynamic batch, and queue properties such as batch_window
Using Git Method
You can use the below repo for example:
Define the BATCH_SIZE and BATCH_WINDOW in the input_schema.py
in app.py
Using File Import Method
If you are using file import create a file config.pbtxt in the root of the model directory with the following content:
In the above configuration, we have set the max_batch_size to 8. This means that the model will try to create a batch of 4 requests. The input and output dimensions are also specified in the configuration file.