Inferless provides NFS-like writable volumes that support simultaneous connections to various replicas. Similar to networked file-sharing systems that enable collective access to files across a network, these volumes in Inferless address multiple needs:

  • Storing model parameters

  • Archiving datasets similar to centralized storage

  • Setting up a communal cache for collaborative tasks, akin to a shared cache over a network.

Method A: Create a Volume using Inferless Platform

Here is how you can create a volume Go to the Volumes section in your console


Step 1

Click on the Create Volume button

Step 2

After this Volume is created and ready copy the Mount Path

Step 3

Use the mount path on your code as shown below :

Step 4

In the model import step, select the Mount Volume to attach

View Volumes

You can also browse the files in your volume by clicking on the Volume Card

Delete Volumes

To delete volumes make sure it’s not attached to any Deployment, You can delete it form the My Volumes page

Method B: Create a volume using Inferless CLI

Use this command inferless volume to see all the functions available for volume.

Manage Inferless volumes

$ inferless volume COMMAND [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...


  • create: Create a new volume.
  • cp: Add a file or directory to a volume.
  • ls: List files and directories within a volume.
  • rm: Specify the Inferless path to the file.
  • list: List all existing volumes.
  • select: Select a volume for the current Inferless configuration file.

Example Usage

inferless volume select --id 4e39f657-d115-4cb7-b713-012984213750