Pre Requisite : Note the Model Name, Type and Framework

  • Navigate to the Hugging Face model page of your choice that you want to import into Inferless.
  • Take note of the "Model Name" (you can also use the copy button), Task Type, Model Framework, and Model Type. These will be required for the next steps.

Method A: Deploy Model using Inferless platform

Navigate to your desired workspace in Inferless and Click on "Add a Model" button that you see on the top right. An import wizard will open up.

  1. Select the framework that your model was trained on

    1. Choose your **model training framework.** You have noted this from hugging face in the previous step

    2. In case your desired framework is not available, we have provided detailed how-to guides for your reference

Choose the training framework used for your model

  1. Choose the source of your model.

    1. Since we are using a model from Hugging Face in this example, select Hugging Face as the method of uploading.

    2. To proceed with the upload, you will need to connect your Hugging Face account and a private GitHub account. This is a mandatory step as the Hugging Face credentials enable us to import your private repositories, while GitHub is used to create the imported repository.

    3. For more information: Inferless works by copying the model from Hugging Face and creating a new repository in GitHub. The model repository is then loaded into Inferless.

    4. If you are using Inferless for the first time and have not added any providers before, click on the "Add Provider" button (+).

Click on Add provider to add your HF and Github accounts

This would open a new tab with "My Integrations". You can click connect on the necessary accounts there.

Click connect account and follow the process.

Once you have completed it, you can come back to this page and click the refresh button provided. You would be able to see the added accounts then.

Click on the refresh button to view the connection details