The class called ‘InferlessPythonModel’ is the entrypoint for you ML code. This class has three methods: ‘initialize’, ‘infer’, and ‘finalize’. Let’s go through each method and explain their purpose, signature, and return types.

‘initialize’ method:

  • Purpose: This method is responsible for initializing the model and setting up the necessary components.
  • Signature: The method takes in one parameter, self, which refers to the instance of the class. It doesn’t have any other parameters.
  • Return type: This method doesn’t return anything (None).

‘infer’ method:

  • Purpose: This method performs the inference process using the initialized model. It takes in an input dictionary containing a “prompt” key, and it generates an image based on the provided prompt.
  • Signature: The method takes in two parameters: self (referring to the instance of the class) and inputs (a dictionary containing the input data).
  • Return type: The method returns a dictionary with a single key-value pairs.

‘finalize’ method:

  • Purpose: This method is responsible for cleaning up and finalizing the model. It sets the pipe attribute to None.
  • Signature: The method takes in one parameter, self, which refers to the instance of the class. It doesn’t have any other parameters.
  • Return type: This method doesn’t return anything (None).


from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline
import torch
from io import BytesIO
import base64

class InferlessPythonModel:
    def initialize(self):
        self.pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(

    def infer(self, inputs):
        prompt = inputs["prompt"]
        image = self.pipe(prompt).images[0]
        buff = BytesIO(), format="JPEG")
        img_str = base64.b64encode(buff.getvalue()).decode()
        return { "generated_image_base64" : img_str }
    def finalize(self):
        self.pipe = None