9th December 2024: CLI v2.0: Faster and Smoother Experience
Latest Enhancements & Features:
- inferless init: Simplified model import initialization with fewer parameters required to get started.Added support for Hugging Face, Docker, S3, and File-based deployments directly via subcommands.Read the documentation
2.inferless deploy :Deploy models without YAML by directly specifying machine configurations and runtime files during deployment. Automatically creates runtimes for your models, enabling faster deployments.Read the documentation
inferless model: Comprehensive model management commands to list, delete, rebuild, get details, activate, deactivate, and patch configurations. Read the documentation
inferless integration:Manage integrations with providers like Dockerhub, ECR, GCS, Hugging Face, and S3. Add and list integrations seamlessly. Read the documentation
inferless volume: Create volumes, copy files, list contents, and remove files or directories. Specify custom mount points in the deploy command. Edit mount points during or after deployment for greater flexibility.Read the documentation